It's weaning time. My little one is six months old and, apart from a couple of mouthfuls of baby rice, he has only had milk to sustain him during his short life. But all that is about to change.
This little one is my second baby. I weaned his big brother eight years ago and the guidelines (or rules) were different then. Eight years ago, I was told I could give my baby some puréed veg or fruit at four months. That's not allowed anymore. I understand why and I am very happy to protect my little one's tummy by introducing solids later, however, it is like learning to ride a bike again, but they have put the pedals where the handlebars are. Everything I thought I knew is slightly different. So, it's back to the text books. I have looked at all my baby books and at the (actually) really helpful leaflet from the health visitor. I have looked a couple of times and then I have gone back to look again.
I feel like I have lost my (baby) bottle!
I have puréed some pear, bought some new spoons and some little tubs to freeze baby portions in, I have extra bibs and I have even got a new gadget to mash veg and fruit which will mash a little portion of my dinner when his little body is up to it. Now all I need to do is get on with it.
I am ready......
Watch me purée this pear....
I am nearly there....
What is wrong with me? It is like I have lost my nerve - how can I have though, I have done all this before.
My partner has been watching my dithering with calm resignation. I tried to explain how it felt and why I seem to have become the big girls blouse of the weaning world. Then, after listening patiently, he said it sounds like I am standing on the side of a swimming pool ready to take the plunge, I know that it will be a bit chilly to start with, but when I get there it will be fine. I just need to get up the guts to dive in!
That's it exactly, he hit the nail on the head.
I am ready to go - all I need is a stiff drink (or maybe a skinny latte with an extra shot), to take a deep breath and dive in!
Watch this space.
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