Thursday, 29 March 2012

Top banana

It's the Easter holidays. Hooray! Now I just need to find a way of entertaining my team for two weeks.

I have a few ideas. I initially started writing this blog to share the places I had found to take my little ones for a good cuppa and a tasty bit of cake. I admit, there was a significant amount of self interest, I like tea and cake (and coffee and sandwiches and sausage rolls and chips). Today, I realised I have been merely tinkering. I have discovered the ultimate site! And just in time to give me some inspiration for Easter activities.

I was minding my own business, listening to my local BBC radio station and I heard a very friendly sounding chap telling me about his latest achievement. He had designed a web site to give mums, dads, granny's and grandpa's the low down on the best places to take their littleys. It can tell you which parks have toilets and parking. Which are free and which are costly. It sounds like this chap and his wife have visited hundreds of different places to bring us this wonderful bank of information.

I am thrilled that it is out there. At the moment, he is just writing about Leicestershire and Rutland, but is expanding into the rest of the Midlands. What a fabulous idea.

Not only can I share the site with
But, I can also share the link so you can listen to the interview too, if you click here.

The site is charming. There is a page dedicated to gifts for grandpa and there's even a joke section. It includes my favourite joke in the world.

Q. What's orange and sounds like a parrot?

A. A carrot.


We need a site like this for the whole of the country. Do you think I could volunteer to do some research?

1 comment:

  1. That looks like a great website! There are some really sweet ideas for things to do too. I think that you should definitely volunteer to help out with some research!
