Babies and snow do not mix.
Actually, it's not the babies that are the problem as much as their pushchairs and general luggage. It was almost impossible to push the pram around a snowy park at the weekend. Perhaps that's to be expected, but trying to push down the pavement to school to drop off the big boy was ridiculous! The wheels were jamming, we were sliding down the slopes of the pavements and other parents were dashing to my aid. That was very kind, but a bit embarrassing. And this was a public right of way outside a school.
Then I attempted a supermarket shop. This may have been a moment of madness, but we have to eat and I needed to look at hammers and slippers. Really.We pulled up at Tesco and half the car park was beautifully cleared, however, the other half, which included the parent and child parking, had not been cleared quite so efficiently. Grr. On this occasion, every little would have helped. I put the car seat in one of the small trolleys. What was I thinking?! Trolleys are more difficult to steer than pushchairs - they are more difficult to steer than a cat that really wants to go in the opposite direction whilst wearing rollerskates!
Supermarkets are a bit hit and miss when it comes to looking after parents and babies. As a new mum, I am the perfect target for them. I am around in the day, need supplies on a regular basis and I have a little more time to browse than I used to. However, some supermarket trolleys don't have brakes, the trolleys for babies are kept by the shop not by the parking spaces, so you have to carry the baby and bags across the car park and taking the child in a pushchair is no good either as you can't buy more than a few bits.
Ok, I feel better now. And despite ranting, I still love a supermarket.
I sound like I am not a big fan of the snow, but, there are some upsides. Since the snow came, our family has doubled in size, temporarily anyway.
Love the snowman family!